Google Ads is a great platform for advertising your business, particularly when looking to drive traffic and increase the number of sales. Google Ads is an important component for promotion as it allows businesses to target customers who are actively searching for the goods or services. In this guide, we will go through the steps to publish a Google Ad campaign.

Step 1: Set Up Your Google Ads Account

The first step is to create an account for Google Ads. For this you need to open the official website of Google Ads and click on the “Start Now” button. You will be asked to use your Google account login information or create an account if you do not have one. After registration, you will proceed to the configuration process where you will provide general details about your business like your business name, website address and payment details.

Step 2: Define Your Advertising Goals

When creating your ad, it is necessary to set goals on what you want out of your advertising campaign. Do you wish to attract more traffic to your website, make more sales or capture more leads? By setting clear goals you will be able to measure the success of your campaign and make necessary changes. This step is critical mainly for any businesses using PPC services in Delhi NCR because a clear goal ensures that the campaign is in line with the business goals and objectives.

Step 3: Conduct Keyword Research

Keywords are considered to be the building blocks of your Google Ads campaign. You should use tools such as Google Keyword Planner to identify keywords that are relevant to your business. Concentrate on keywords that your potential consumers might search on while looking for a product or service such as yours. Remember to look at the search volume and competition level of each keyword. Selecting the right keywords has a great influence on the flow of your ads.

Step 4: Create Your Ad Campaign

Once you have the keywords, the next step is to create your ad campaign. Google Ads provides various types of campaigns, including Search, Display, Video, Shopping, and App campaigns. For most businesses, a Search campaign is often the first place to start as it places your ad directly on the Google search results page whenever someone searches for your selected keywords.

Setting Up Your Campaign

  • Campaign Name: Select a name that will help you in recognizing your campaign with ease.
  • Networks: Choose where you would like the ads to pop-up. Beginners are advised to stay with the default settings of Google Search Network.
  • Targeting and Audiences: Choose the geographical areas that you wish to target for your ads. For example, if you are offering PPC services in Delhi NCR, you probably would like to get traffic from that location.
  • Budget and Bidding: Set a daily spending limit for the amount you are willing to spend. Select a bid strategy that is relevant to the campaign, such as to increase the number of clicks or to achieve a certain cost-per-acquisition (CPA).

Step 5: Write Your Ad Copy

Ad copy is very important since it gives the customers the first impression about your company or product. Make sure that your ad is compelling and understandable for the audience. Here are some tips for writing an ad copy:

  • Headline: You should use your main keyword as the headline and make it as eye-catching as possible.
  • Description: Highlight the key advantages of your product or service. Also add information about discounts or coupons.
  • Display URL: Make sure the URL matches the ad and it should also be easy to read.

Step 6: Set Up Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are extra details that you can add to your ad to make it look compelling. They can be your phone number, address, links to other sites, or callouts. Ad extensions can improve your ad’s visibility and increase the chances of the ad being clicked.

Step 7: Review and Launch Your Campaign

Make sure all the settings and ad copy are correct before you launch the actual campaign out to the public. Look for any spelling or grammatical mistake and check that the keywords listed are suitable for the ad text. When you are done, you can click on the “Save and Continue” button to start your campaign.

Step 8: Monitor and Optimise Your Campaign

Once you followed all the steps to Publish a Google Ad, it’s important to monitor its performance on a regular basis. Google Ads provides you various information such as clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and conversions. You can then use this data to analyse the performance of your campaign and make changes accordingly. If certain keywords or ads are not performing well, you should remove them and try new keywords.


In conclusion, several steps to publish a Google Ad, from setup to optimization needs dedeication. By following the above mentioned steps, you could create a successful campaign. If you have any difficulties, you may want to consult an expert in the field. Diinfotech provides Performance Marketing Services in Delhi NCR for building, handling, and enhancing Google Ads campaigns for better performance.


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