Negative reviews are the biggest enemy for online retailers, more than competitors if we may add. You do not want them, you do not need them, and you do not have control over them. However, look at the brighter side – bad reviews are actually an opportunity for your brand to speak up and promote itself in the best possible way.

We have provided you essential tips to respond to negative reviews in this blog. These tips are gathered from one of the best digital marketing companies in Delhi.

Tips on How to Respond to Negative Reviews

Considering the current scenario, one cannot simply ignore a bad review and move on unscarred. Ignorance is actually worse. In fact, we suggest that you respond – but how you say and what you say and when you say will be the determinant.


  • A Speedy Response is Good


Respond within 24-48 hours. Treat the post urgent, show that you value customer’s feedback and you are quite proactive in customer service.


  • Make Amends


Compensate with free offers, such as free dinner, coupons, cash back, or anything that is suitable at the moment. It shows your customer that you are ready to go an extra mile to repair the damage.


  • Try To Sound Human


Customers will not approve of an automated answer. So, do not make your answers sound mechanical. Be authentic, add emotions, don’t talk like a marketing person, and do not use jargons. Keep your tone conversational and honest.


  • Be Polite and Apologetic


Never use your defense mechanism and talk highly about your product or service. Even if a customer is unruly and rude, try to keep your response polite and sympathetic. Your aim should be resolving the problem at hand, i.e. reversing the bad effects of a negative review.


  • Think Long Term


If your future customers were to read the review, how would you address their concerns? Talk about the issue mentioned in the review in your response and convince your potential customers that it will be taken care of.


  • Contact Customers Offline


Contact the customer personally and make things right. You can call them, message, or email them. In future, ensure that you send out emails to your customers with links to the positive reviews page.


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