Did you know that 90% to 95% of a website design is made up of fonts Brands and online businesses often underestimate the importance of typography in website design. But as a leading website development company in Delhi, we can tell you with utmost surety that the font used on a website has a significant impact on how website visitors perceive the brand from the very first visit.

In this blog, our lead graphic designer will share what there is to know about typography in website development and the importance of choosing the right fonts and typography for website design. 

The Simplest Way to Capture a Website’s Sentiment and Purpose is Through Typography 

Many factors, such as the font type, length and size of the text, and typographical layout, help users navigate a website. 

Fonts, in particular, can impact your consumers’ buying psychology, navigation speed, interest in your products and services, and the ‘feel-good’ experience. They ensure how a website’s content is read and understood. 

For this reason, understanding the role and importance of fonts in website development is the best way to create a rich and satisfying user experience for your website visitors. 

Working with an expert website designing company in Delhi will help you understand the psychology behind each font type and apply it to your brand’s overall value when developing the web design.

What is the Difference Between Fonts and Typography?

While ‘Font’ and ‘Typography’ are related, they are two different design elements. Even the most knowledgeable website development company in Delhi can confuse and use both terms interchangeably. 


FONT: A font is a specific typeface style or a graphical representation of a text comprising letters, numbers, symbols, and other characters in a certain size, height, width, color, and design. For example, THIS TEXT can be written in ARIAL BLACK, Arial Narrow, and Arial. 

Serif, San Serif, Slab Serif, and Script are the most common typeface fonts for website design and development. 

TYPOGRAPHY: Typography, on the other hand, is a graphic designing technique that ensures the overall design and arrangement of fonts, letters, and words on a website which improves the users’ reading experience and website navigation. 

Typography is an important solution in our website development services in Delhi. It involves graphic designers using text as a User Interface (UI) element and leveraging different techniques to provide a pleasant experience for consumers on a website. 

In short, the difference between good and bad typography is the difference between users purchasing from a website or dumping it from the home page. 

Why Fonts and Typography are Important for a Professional Website Development Company in Delhi

Font and Typography are the most important elements of UX/UI Design. They can make any business earn up to 3X more. 

As a seasoned digital marketing and website development company in Delhi, we know with certainty that it takes only 5 seconds to impress an eCommerce brand’s website visitors and a little more than 10 seconds for other businesses. 

No matter how articulate you are about your brand message or how attractive your products and services are, your website won’t convert if you don’t collaborate with your graphic designer to select the most suitable font and typography. 

Each font has a particular purpose and personality that provides balance to the website and develops the overall tone of the product or service. 


For example, our client Bumzee is an infant and toddler clothing brand. Had we used Times New Roman font, their website would have looked drab. So, we used Comic Sans to offer a cuddly and childlike appearance.

But authors and writers wouldn’t have taken Writat, a Self-Publishing company, seriously if we’d used the same font for the brand. So, we used Montserrat instead. 

Choosing the fonts alone is not effective. Your website development company in Delhi must also know how to arrange the font and use the right size, spacing, alignment, layout, and color to enhance legibility and readability. 

Fonts and typography can have several benefits in website designing, including:

Articulates the Brand Message and Help Users Remember that You

Typography, along with other visual elements like colors and images, conveys the message of your website to your visitors and cements the brand position, workplace culture, purpose, or vision. 

For instance, DIInfotech’s website contains a lot of text content; therefore, the font used (Varela Round) is conventional and official, allowing the readability of long paragraphs. 

Fonts and typography not only effectively convey your website message but also let potential users and existing customers connect with your brand and recognize you through distinctive typography. 

Maintains Professional Consistency in the Web Design

Fonts help the website designing company in Delhi maintain the consistency and professionalism of the website by incorporating guidelines established at the beginning of the development project. 

Creates Dynamic Visual Hierarchy for Visitors

Visual Hierarchy is a graphic designing practice that involves organizing each element on a page based on its importance. 

Typography creates a great visual hierarchy on websites, allowing you to grab your reader’s attention and redirect to the most important content early on each page, like services, benefits, seasonal offers, CTA, etc. 

At DI Infotech, our designers and content developers excel in creating concise and aesthetically appealing content that allows website and app users rapidly absorb important information. 

Improves Readability and Prevents Digital Eye Stress 

Typography prevents eye fatigue and fosters pleasant reading, particularly on smartphones and tablets. Bloggers, authors, entrepreneurs, and other brands that thrive on text content can benefit from our personalized

This is because our UX/UI designer concentrates on even and effective distribution of text on the website using bold and bigger fonts and clear typeface, encouraging readers and visitors to read huge amounts of text for lengthy periods without stress.  

Need Help in UX/UI Design?

The design of a website or application is akin to a jigsaw puzzle, with fonts and typography serving as the first and last pieces in the building process. Even if you follow all the guidelines and miss some aspects, the visitor experience will significantly alter. 

This is why you need to hire a website designing company in Delhi that provides insights into your content readability and incorporates real solutions into your UX/UI Design after extensive user testing.

If you aren’t sure where to begin, connect with our graphic designers and allow him to share his expert insights on your website fonts and typography. 

For a free consultation, contact us here

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